Congratulations on purchasing Celestial Library and in a few short moments, you’ll be able to access your course. 

Please DO NOT close this page until you finish reading until the end of this letter because it contains important instructions to bless you even further. This page includes a special one-time offer to help you manifest great blessings and miracles in your life.

Now is your opportunity to claim your Divine abundance birthright and receive Divine help from your guides so you can manifest wealth & abundance faster and easier!

Dear One, Archangel Metatron with his mighty wisdom is leading you to work with your Abundance Angel - Archangel Ariel to help you claim a life of abundance that is rightfully yours since birth.


And today, Ariel is about to share with you an important message on how you can claim your abundance birthright.


That’s why it is imperative that this message from Ariel reaches you as she will lead your Celestial support team to help you to rediscover your Divine abundance birthright.

You Have An Unclaimed Birthright!


That’s right, dear child of God… Divine inheritance that was yours since the beginning of time. You could’ve had so much more out of life.

But because you’ve been too busy and distracted, you might have missed out on the abundance plan that God, the Universe, Source, or the Divine has laid out for you since the very beginning.

Deep down inside, you know if you followed God's plan from the start, abundance and prosperity would be yours... but you’ve deviated and it is time to realign with God's plan before it is too late.

This Deviation Has Made You Miss Out on God’s Abundant Blessings

Like keying in the wrong coordinates in a GPS, the more you go on the path you’re on, the further and further away you’re traveling from the destination you’re supposed to go.

And that’s why you’ve felt lostconfused and waiting for an intervention. And when the intervention didn’t come, it made you feel skeptical about having a birthright to begin with as you drift further and further away from the original plan.

Everything you’re facing with your financial challenges and stress over life can be avoided if only you knew the signs and acted on the guidance of your angels.

This channel will now explain the severity of this situation and how you can be quickly brought back on track and make up for lost time…

Luckily, Ariel and her team of manifestation guides are here to help you get back on track no matter how far you’ve deviated from your birthright of abundance and offer you a new beginning if you know how to work with them.

Connecting With The Energy Of Archangel Ariel To Manifest Abundance In Your Life

Leverage the manifestation power and guidance of Archangel Ariel to manifest a life filled with prosperity!

As the Archangel who oversees abundance and prosperity she can help you find the way towards manifesting increased wealth in all areas of your life.

She can also assist you in rediscovering your passion for life, and removing manifestation blockages that are stopping you from experiencing an abundant life!

But she can only provide you with such blessings and guidance if you know how to ask and decode important and urgent messages from Archangel Ariel and her team of manifestation guides.

This is exactly where we can help you...

Our mission is to help you work with Ariel and her team of Manifestation and Abundance Guides to achieve the life of your dreams by using the right tools to connect with them.

 Celestial Inspiration Presents:

The Celestial Manifestations

"Discover Who Your Guides Are And How To Manifest Guidance, Blessings And Miracles Into Your Life!"

  • The Celestial Manifestations program will give you all the tools you’ll need to manifest anything you desire in life
  • It is designed to help you master manifestation by allowing you to experience easy and quick wins daily for a span of 15 days to get you in the "vibe" of successful manifestations
  • Manifesting has never been this easy and enjoyable. All you need to do is ‘press play’ and let the tools do the work for you
  • It will reveal all the manifestation signs you’ll need each day so you can take advantage of the newfound skill you have
  • You can use the tools to manifest anything you want, whether it is more wealth, better health, a ‘soulmate’ or ‘twin flame’ relationship, more happiness and purpose for your life, etc
  • You’ll also receive every action step to make your dreams a reality with the help of your angels and guides

What Sets Celestial Manifestations Apart From Other Manifestations Program?

Your angels and guides understand how challenging it is to make your manifestations work for you especially when you can't keep your vibration high.

There are a thousand and one things in the world pulling your vibration down with negativity, toxic environments on the planet as well as your own personal life’s challenges.

Lower vibrations will often bring you down and things will not change unless you have a consistent and sustainable way to keep your vibration high.

The Celestial Manifestations can help you maintain your high vibration in the simplest and most effective way. The magic will start to happen when you use the Divine tools and wisdom to amplify your energies.

Unlike other manifestation programs which share generic manifestation tips, you'll be working with a handpicked team of manifestation guides consisting of of angels, archangels, spirit guides, spirit animals, ascended masters and groups of beings to deal with specific issues and raise your vibration in different areas of your life.

We leave no stone unturned when it comes to removing all your manifestation blockages so that nothing stands in your way of manifesting wealth, better health, the love of your life, a heart-centered career, purpose and the life of your dreams.

Ariel Will Show You 15 Signs Together With Her Hosts Of Master Manifestor Spirits To Help You In Your Manifestations… 

  • Day 1 - Set the right foundation for your manifestations
  • Day 2 - Open ‘Manifestation Portals’ to amplify your manifestation skills
  • Day 3 - Manifest your Divine calling by becoming a vibrational match for what you want
  • Day 4 - Bring your dreams into reality: living as if they already happened
  • Day 5 - Remove all manifestation blocks that are preventing you from manifesting what you want
  • Day 6 - Raise your vibration with the help of your guides
  • Day 7 - Send ‘Cosmic Orders’ To The Universe so the universe has no choice but to deliver what you want
  • Day 8 - Manifest a supportive soul family who will help you with your manifestations
  • Day 9 - Manifest more peace into your life so manifestations come to you in a peaceful, autopilot way
  • Day 10 - Manifest a healthier body and heal from the past
  • Day 11 - Improve the strength of your manifestation powers
  • Day 12 - Manifest more than enough wealth that will last lifetimes
  • Day 13 - Become a master of any skill you set your mind upon
  • Day 14 - Manifest your highest purpose
  • Day 15 - Create your ultimate legacy

A Recap Of All That You Will Receive

After investing in the Celestial Manifestations course, you will be given access to our exclusive teaching platform where you will be mastering manifestation by learning how to raise your vibration in order to connect with your manifestation angels and guides in 15 days.

Each day you'll need to spend a few minutes understanding the step-by-step video training and listening to guided meditations designed to help you work with your manifestation guides.

Here’s what will happen if you follow Ariel’s plan and ‘activate’ your manifesting power in the next 15 days.

Ariel will lead you in the next 15 days on how to connect with all your manifestation guides to make your dreams a reality!

Each day's blessings are worth $90, so this product is worth a grand total of $1350.

But all you pay is one low price of $77.77.

Why $77.77? Because of the angel number 7777.

The angel number 7777 is a favorable indicator of manifesting one's desires. It is a number that doesn't appear frequently so take this as the final sign for you to manifest your dreams.

7777 means that the universe is ready to take care of you and catch you if you fall at any time. Things are going according to the Divine plan.

You can trust that with one payment of $77.77, your dreams will be manifested if you act today.

You can't afford not to invest in this!

It's risk-free. YES! We’ve removed all the risks for you.

If in a very rare case you feel that the program is not helping you at all or if you have issues with your purchases or perhaps you want a refund, please contact our customer service at [email protected].

Manifest Guidance, Blessings, And Miracles Into Your Life Now!

Join Today For Only $1,350 $77.77!

Buy Now!